A Farewell to Arms

In other media

The novel was first adapted for the stage by Laurence Stallings in 1930,[24] then as a film in 1932, with a 1957 remake. A three-part television miniseries was made in 1966. In December 2023, a new film adaptation was announced, with Michael Winterbottom to direct and Tom Blyth to star.[25]

The 1996 film In Love and War, directed by Richard Attenborough and starring Chris O'Donnell and Sandra Bullock, depicts Hemingway's life in Italy as an ambulance driver in the events prior to his writing of A Farewell to Arms.

A radio broadcast adaption was produced in 1937 as part of the Lux Radio Theater series starring Clark Gable and Josephine Hutchinson. In 2011, BBC Radio 4 produced a 10 episode[26] adaptation for their 15 Minute Drama series.

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