A Lady's Guide to Selling Out Summary

A Lady's Guide to Selling Out Summary

The novel opens with Casey brainstorming on what to do after her graduation from the university. Casey is an English Literature graduate looking forward to becoming a renowned author. However, after her studies, she is ready to do any job available to meet her daily needs. Sally's novel is set at the height of pop culture and the corporate world. Fortunately, Casey gets an advertising job with one of the top agencies. The agency discovers that Casey is a skilled writer and an influential person who can help the company register more corporate companies into its trading portfolio.

Casey's first assignment at the advertising agency is to use her social media platforms to sign up celebrity writers and link them with the corporates in the fashion upmarket. Casey's manager is a no-nonsense man because he wants exceptional performance. The task is difficult, but Casey is ready to exploit her potential to deliver the best results possible. After a few days of traveling across America to sign up celebrities, Casey is amazed when she realizes several people are subscribing to her social media accounts. To Casey's surprise, top celebrity writers call her daily about her program, and promise to support her. The other thing that shocks Casey is the reception she receives whenever she interacts with successful authors who know her in person. Initially, Case thought that her friends would mock her for choosing to do advertising instead of utilizing her skills in writing books.

The novel concludes with Casey reflecting on her life and achievements in the advertising industry. The advertising job has enabled Casey to afford anything she wants, and she appreciates her efforts. However, Casey loves writing because most of her friends are authors. Therefore, Casey attends book festivals in California to link-up with her old friends whenever she has time.

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