Both Sides of Time


Both Sides of Time takes place in Stratton Point in 1895 which was inspired by a beach named Tod's Point, according to Caroline B. Cooney, who stated that as a child she used to live some miles away from this beach. This area had Cooney initially choose to have Mr. Tod as a villain, but further research on him changed her mind when she discovered his characteristics that opposed that of a typical villain.[10] Therefore, the name of the setting was changed to Stratton Point, because in the book Mr. Stratton the owner is displayed as a male chauvinist with evil traits and plays the role of one of the antagonists. The novel describes Stratton point through the eyes of Annie Lockwood, who tells of a mansion that takes up much of the area, which in 1895 was home to Hiram Stratton and his daughter and son, but in her own time, it is to be torn down due to old age.

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