Brave New World


According to American Library Association, Brave New World has frequently been banned and challenged in the United States due to insensitivity, offensive language, nudity, racism, conflict with a religious viewpoint, and being sexually explicit.[46] It landed on the list of the top ten most challenged books in 2010 (3) and 2011 (7).[46] The book also secured a spot on the association's list of the top one hundred challenged books for 1990–1999 (54),[7] 2000–2009 (36),[8] and 2010–2019 (26).[9]

The following include specific instances of when the book has been censored, banned, or challenged:

  • In 1932, the book was banned in Ireland for its language, and for supposedly being anti-family and anti-religion.[47][48]
  • In 1965, a Maryland English teacher alleged that he was fired for assigning Brave New World to students. The teacher sued for violation of First Amendment rights but lost both his case and the appeal, with the appeals court ruling that the assignment of the book was not the reason for his firing.[49]
  • The book was banned in India in 1967, with Huxley accused of being a "pornographer".[50]
  • In 1980, it was removed from classrooms in Miller, Missouri among other challenges.[51]
  • The version of Brave New World Revisited published in China lacks explicit mentions of China itself.[52]

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