Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination Metaphors and Similes

Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination Metaphors and Similes


Kelley Writes, “He (Redemption Marcus Garvey) created African Fundamentalism, a revision of Christianity rooted in Ethiopianism, African Methodism, and a variety of religious beliefs that would eventually make their way into the Rastafarian faith. As Robert Hill points out, Garvey argued that Adam and Eve and their progeny were black and that Cain was stricken by God with leprosy (whiteness) as punishment for the murder of his brother, Abel. The white race, in other words, began as lepers punished by God.” Garvey’s ideology on leprosy is intended to underscore the superiority of the black people. Claiming that the white skin is a manifestation of leprosy subverts the notion of white supremacy which motivated the whites to oppress and enslave the blacks.

“Black Star”

Amiri Baraka explains, “Ghana’s Kwame Nkrumah had hoisted the black star over the statehouse in Accra, and Nkrumah’s pronouncements and word of his deeds were glowing encouragement to colored people all over the world. When the Chinese exploded their first A-bomb I wrote a poem saying, in effect, that time for the colored peoples had rebegun.” A ‘ black star' connotes the success of a black man which Nkrumah attains when he becomes president. He validates that blacks can be efficacious and inspirational leaders. Moreover, his success inspires other nations to strive for sovereignty.

“Queen Mother”

Kelley reveals, "One of the pioneers of the post–World War II black reparations 118 Freedom Dreams movement was "Queen Mother" Audley Moore. A major figure in the history of black radicalism, she started out as a devoted member of the Garvey movement before joining the CPUSA in the 1930s, although she had never abandoned black nationalism.” Referring to Audley Moore as a queen mother underlines her noteworthy , radical leadership which was instrumental in the progression of Black Nationalism. She inspires the black females like how the queen would inspire her subjects. Moore is an embodiment of black female leadership and black feminism.

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