Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera Book 1)

Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera Book 1) Analysis

Alerans and Marat have been in a fight for centuries. However, in the past two decades, there has never been a fight between these two tribes. The people of Alera have exceptional bonds with the elements’ fury. Amara, a young woman from Alera goes with Fidelias for a graduation test. Amara is espionage of Gaius Sextus, First Lord of Alera. Sextus has become old and intends to retire and doesn’t want to leave power under the hands of traitors. Therefore, he sends Amara as a spy to investigate betrayers. On the way to the graduation test, Fidelias turns against Amara.

Amara escapes and returns to the First Lord to inform him about the deliberations. First Lord instructs Amara to go to the Calderon Valley for further investigation operations. People of Alera are capable of controlling the elements’ fury, but Tavi has been born furyless. Tavi is a fifteen-year-old boy who has been raised by his uncle, Bernard. Although he can’t control the elements, Tavi is intelligent. Amara learns that Tavi is gifted in his own way to fight for Alera.

Marat invades Alera and Tavi is trapped in a storm of furies but manages to save Amara. The fight between Marat and Alerans intensifies. Tavi proves to be stronger than any fury to the amazement of Amara. The book centers on betrayal, courage, and disloyalty. The author goes beyond readers’ expectations to flood the narrative with plot twists. During difficult situations, characters are compelled to use their wits or magic to triumph. Tavi has no elements’ fury but uses his intelligence to save the people of Alera.

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