Juvenal: Satires


  1. ^ Lucilius – the acknowledged originator of Roman Satire in the form practiced by Juvenal – experimented with other meters before settling on dactylic hexameter.
  2. ^ E. Courtney, A Commentary on the Satires of Juvenal (London, 1980), pp. 1–2.
  3. ^ J. Uden, The Invisible Satirist: Juvenal and Second-Century Rome (Oxford, 2015), pp. 219–226
  4. ^ a b Green, 1998, Introduction: LIX-LXIII
  5. ^ a b Miller, Paul Allen. Latin Verse Satire. 2005, page 232
  6. ^ The word virtus in line 20 is the ultimate source of the English word virtue and is related to the Latin word vir '(freeborn) man; brave man, hero, warrior'. While the English term has primarily a moral connotation, the Latin word encompassed all characteristics appropriate to a vir – in short, excellence. The narrator's point is that the only thing that makes one rightly nobilis '(worthy to be) known, notable, famous, celebrated' is being personally outstanding.

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