Malgudi Days

Malgudi Days Imagery

Metallic Noise (Auditory Imagery)

"Cat Within" depicts a shop owner's terror at the sound a cat is causing in his store: “They peered through... the door and shuddered whenever they heard the metallic noise inside.” He describes the noise the cat makes as "metallic" to highlight both its volume as well as the fact that man has no idea what it really is. The auditory imagery enhances the sense that the man is truly baffled by the cat.

Soma's Perspiration (Haptic Imagery)

In "Such Perfection," Narayan writes about an artist isolating himself dramatically and working nonstop. He describes it in the following way: “Soma shut himself in and bolted all the doors and windows, and plied his chisel by the still flame of a mud lamp, even when there was a bright sun outside. It made him perspire unbearably, but he did not mind it so long as it helped him to keep out prying eyes.” The haptic imagery of his intense perspiration gives a strong sense of his devoted work ethic and intensity.

Shadows on the Statue (Visual Imagery)

In the same story, Narayan describes the way in which the sculptor's statue appears in the light of Soma's workspace: “The dim mud flame cast subtle shadows on the image and gave it an undertone of rippling life.” The visual imagery of the flame adding subtlety to the statue deepens the impression that Soma's work is incredibly life-like.

The Smell of a Zoo (Olfactory Imagery)

In the story "The Tiger's Paw," the Talkative Man describes how the tiger made the shack he was sleeping in different: “The little shack had already acquired the smell of a zoo.” The strong, and unpleasant, odor adds to the sense of discomfort shown by the man in the midst of his dramatic fight to fend off the tiger.