Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why did Lia grow up feeling suspicious of her body?

    Lia is brought up in a vicarage where holiness is the most important. While growing up, Lia's parents remind her that her body is the temple of Christ and she should not sin with it. When Lia turns 12, her parents bring in an adolescent boy called Mathew to live with them. Mathew will be ordained in the future to serve Christ. However, Lia and Mathew start having a secret sexual affair behind her parents' knowledge. Lia knows she is not doing right with her body when she spends time secretly with Mathew, but she cannot resist the temptation.

  2. 2

    What is the main theme in Maps of Our Spectacular Bodies?

    The relationship between mother and daughter emerges as the main theme in the novel. Lia and her daughter, Iris, are very close, especially in her last days. Lia has Cancer, and Iris is the only person who gives her comfort and the reason to live and see another day. Iris is a good girl, dedicating her entire life to caring for her mother. Iris uses poetry and paintings to comfort her mother, and she does everything she can to prevent people from trying to ridicule her mother. Therefore, Iris is a pillar in her mother's last days, demonstrating the strong bond between mother and daughter.

  3. 3

    What is the main paradox in the novel?

    The primary paradox is that Mathew is heading for ordination, but he engages in a secret sexual affair with Lia. Lia's parents are fond of Mathew, bringing him home to live with them because he is principled. Ironically, Mathew and Lia quickly get sexually attracted and start having sex secretly without the knowledge of her parents. Lia knows that her body is the temple of Christ, but the temptation to have sex with Mathew is irresistible. Mathew also knows that he is predetermined to be a priest where sex is not allowed, but he secretly decides to satisfy his body's needs with Lia.

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