More Happy Than Not Summary

More Happy Than Not Summary

Erasing memories is one thing that Aaron Soto has dismissed. However, he changes his mentality after one of his friends, Brendan, confesses to having gone through the Leteo procedure. A Leteo procedure is a surgical process that enables people to forget painful past events. Aaron is a teen who has fallen in love with a girl called Genevieve. The love between Aaron and Genevieve is complicated. Aaron’s sexuality makes him feel romantically attracted to fellow male friends. The young man strives to conceal his feelings for fear of backlash from straight friends.

The surroundings along with prejudice make it difficult for Aaron to admit his sexuality. However, when his girlfriend leaves for summer camp, Aaron decides to try his luck on Thomas. Thomas and Aaron spend time together recently even though they have not been friends for long. As the two teenagers continue interacting, Aaron drops a bombshell when he reveals to Thomas that he is gay. Thomas is skeptical and faults Aaron for kissing him. The tense moment worries him because he fears being identified as gay.

A Leteo procedure suppresses memories but Aaron finds himself recalling some of the past painful events. Friends like Thomas urge him to be ‘more happy than not,’ thus, the title of the novel. Eventually, Aaron goes through other surgical procedures in the same facility and erases his memories absolutely. Trying to forget the past prevents him from moving forward with his life. Nevertheless, he writes journals and occasionally goes through them to reminisce about the past.

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