Pax, Journey Home Themes

Pax, Journey Home Themes

Isolation and Alienation

Many characters featured in the book are isolated and alienated in some way. Peter, the protagonist, is isolated by his father who goes to the war while knowing that Peter’s mother is not alive. When Peter and Pax go separate ways, they both isolate themselves from the outside world. Peter’s grandfather also feels isolated because he lives alone. The seclusion makes him doubt every person who comes his way.


The author places a strong personification in the parental love provided by a fox to his wife and kits. Pax is an animal but the author gives it human attributes. Throughout the novel, Pax is portrayed as a human with introspection. Personification in this story is used to create a sense of an aspect of life and create a mood of forgiveness. When Peter is forced to desert his pet fox, readers connect emotionally with Pax and sympathize with him as if he was a human.

Bad Flashbacks

Peter flashes back in his memory severally to remember the death of his mother and the war that eliminated his father. As well, he experiences bad flashbacks whenever he recalls Pax. Peter was separated from Pax reluctantly. The bad memories of abandoning his pet fox make him resort to penance to neutralize them. The memories are disturbing and the best thing he believes can remedy them is self-punishment.

Cruelty and Harsh Life in Jungle

Pax experiences cruelty and harsh life in the jungle. All animals including foxes should be cautious of deadly predators. Pax loves his young kit and is forced to act harshly when a large owl attempts to snatch her away. In the blink of an eye, Pax injures the bird and saves his kit. The poisoning of waterways causes the deaths of many animals. The experiences depict the cruelty and harsh life animals have to endure in the jungle.


The friendship between Peter and Pax is undoubtedly one of a kind. After the two friends go separate ways, both bear the pain of losing a close friend. Peter is constantly haunted by bad memories whenever he reminisces Pax. Similarly, Pax despairs when his kit gets sick because the only person who can save her is Peter. The strong friendship has a way to creep in and this is witnessed when the two former friends reunite again.

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