Reluctantly Alice Themes

Reluctantly Alice Themes

The Theme of the Importance of Family

When Alice McKinley joins seventh grade, her family is supportive. Initially, Alice is not happy joining seventh grade. However, his father and older brother, Lester, encourage her to find a single thing interesting about seventh grade. After identifying what interests her in seventh grade, her father encourages her to find other interesting things. The encouragement shows the important roles played by family members in such circumstances. Eventually, Alice finds herself loving seventh grade courtesy of her family members.

Adolescence Preoccupation

Before attaining adolescence age, every child is curious to know the stage’s experience. That is not different with Alice who seems to be preoccupied with the curiosity of adolescent experiences. After joining seventh grade, Alice holds a conversation with her father and her older brother, Lester. During the conversation, Alice asks them why some girls have their chests sprout out. Indeed, she wonders why some girls like her cousin have bigger breasts. Such questions justify her preoccupation with the adolescence stage.

Romantic Relationships

During the teenage stage, adolescents start exploring romantic relationships. Several characters featured in this book seem to be engaging in romantic relationships. For instance, Alice and Patrick are friends but their friendship is more of a romance. Just like their colleagues, Patrick and Alice kiss each other and get romantic. Such behaviors are normal among teenagers. Lester is also having a romantic relationship with two girls to the amazement of her sister.

The Theme of Bullying

The theme of bullying is explored through Denise Whitlaw. Denise is a noticeable bully who frustrates Alice’s plans to be liked by everyone. The differences between Denise and Alice culminate in drawing the attention of parents. Bullying is a distasteful experience but Alice finds herself subjected to it unwillingly.

Pursuit of Love

Love is a strong feeling that makes people do strange things. The theme of the pursuit of love is explored through Crystal and Marilyn, the two girls fighting for Lester’s love. Both Crystal and Marilyn are in love with Lester. However, is torn between choosing one girl and letting the other go. Marilyn and Crystal send Lester birthday gifts to lure him but he seems non-committal. Alice sympathizes with the two girls though she cannot tell them that Lester is playing them.

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