Rita Dove: Poems

Personal life

Dove married Fred Viebahn,[83] a German-born writer, in 1979; they first met in the summer of 1976 when she was a graduate student in the Iowa Writers Workshop and he spent a semester as a Fulbright fellow in the University of Iowa's International Writing Program. They lived in Oberlin, Ohio, from 1977 to 1979 while Viebahn taught in the Oberlin College German department, and spent extended periods of time in Germany, Ireland and Israel, before moving to Arizona in 1981.[84] Their daughter, Aviva Dove-Viebahn,[85] was born in Phoenix, Arizona in 1983. The couple are avid ballroom dancers,[86] and have participated in a number of showcase performances. Since 1989 Dove and her husband have been living in Charlottesville, Virginia.[87]

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