Rosewater Characters

Rosewater Character List


Kaaro is the protagonist of this fictional novel. During his teenage days, Kaaro lives in Rosewater, and the only way he survives is through stealing. Kaaro is a mysterious character because after interacting with the fungus, he develops mysterious powers that enable him to steal without being caught.

Later, Kaaro is recruited by the government agency to help it deal with the aliens causing a major threat to the country. The government wants to capitalize on Kaaro’s hidden powers to deal with aliens secretly collecting human DNA, intending to finish the human race in the end. The aliens' mission is to use psychic-powered human beings to destroy the world. The government knows that the only way to fight the vice is by using people with unique abilities like Kaaro.


Wormwood is the lead alien who constructs a permanent dome in Rosewater, a fictionalized town in Nigeria. The purpose of the dome is to emit celestial fungus to enable human people to acquire psychic powers when they interact with it. When Kaaror unknowingly is exposed to the fungus emitted from the dome, he becomes very powerful with a mysterious energy that enables him to accomplish impossible tasks.

The target of the government agency is to eliminate Wormwood because he is the number one enemy of humanity. Consequently, the government assigns Kaaro the task of killing Wormwood, but it is not going to be an easy task. When the psychic-powered individuals completed their task, the alien powers started eliminating them. On the contrary, Wormwood saves Kaaro from the destruction of the aliens because he is among the psychic human beings on earth.

The government agency

The government is the ruling entity in Nigeria, and it faces a threat from unseen creatures that are causing havoc and threatening the existence of humanity. The government realizes that the number of people with unique abilities is increasing. Similarly, the government agency discovers that the aliens are secretly collecting human DNA intending to destroy the world. After discovering this disturbing reality, the government employs Kaaro to empower him to deal with the aliens.

Psychic powered humans

Psychic-powered humans are the individuals who unknowingly interacted with the fungus emitted from the dome. These individuals begin to die in 2066 after the objective of the aliens on earth is achieved. The only person who survives is Kaaro because Wormwood saves him.

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