Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life Themes

Ruth Bader Ginsburg: A Life Themes

Racial discrimination

Despite her affluent background, Ginsburg was still ostracized from early on in her life due to her Jewish background. She faced many anti-Semitic attacks across the course of her lifetime and she touches on the difficulties this caused her in her pursuit of becoming the first Jewish female Supreme Court judge in the US.

Spousal support

Though a secondary theme to the book, it is endearing to see the displays of affection between Ginsburg and her husband throughout her life. He is shown to be a feminist and highly supportive of all her endeavors to ensuring women get equal rights. She mentions of how he was adamant that she be successful in the court room regardless of her gender, and spent his life treating her as an equal.

The US Constitution

The US Constitution was Ginsburg's main challenge through the early years of her legal career. She took on court cases that challenged the sexist and gender-biased laws and was successful in reforming them to benefit both men and women in an equal manner. Ginsburg, who was driven by her desire for a change in women’s rights, fought for the basis of equality not based on one's gender but on one's actions.

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