The Monkey's Mask Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    How is poetry important in the novel?

    Many of the characters are poets. Through poetry the reader gets a sense of Mickey and how she viewed life. It is used to enhance the character and gave Jill an understanding of who Mickey was and how she connected with those around her.

  2. 2

    How is sexuality viewed in the novel?

    Sexuality is explored in the novel. It shows the diverse ways that people express themselves sexually, but also shows that there are dangers that need to be understood and addressed. Trust is important in sexual relationships especially when sex games are involved.

  3. 3

    How does Jill compromise her investigation into Mickey's disappearance and death?

    Jill comprises her investigation into Mickey's disappearance and death when she becomes involved with Diana, Mickey's poetry teacher. This makes her vulnerable to her emotions and less likely to see the threat that Diana causes. She loses her impartiality and detachment from the investigation.

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