The Other Black Girl Imagery

The Other Black Girl Imagery

Nella's hair

Throughout the novel, Nella's natural hair is frequently described in detail, emphasizing its texture, volume, and the effort she puts into maintaining it. Her hair becomes a key part of who she is as a person and reflects her cultural heritage.

Green juice

The recurring image of green juice that is often consumed by the employees at Wagner publishing house, reinforces the trendy, health-conscious culture of the office and how consumed many employees are with appearances.


The cramped, isolating images of elevators throughout the novel reinforce the sometimes stifling isolation that Nella feels while working at Wagner because of entrenched, sometimes discriminatory attitudes.

Nella's office

Nella’s office contains numerous plants, which Harris describes in intricate, evocative detail. The imagery of the green plants against the monotonous, gray office landscape shows the life that Nella brings to everything she does.

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