The Path of Daggers Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the primary paradox in ‘The Path of Daggers’ by Robert Jordan?

    Perrin Aybara is a satirical character because his primary objective is defeating Queen Morgase, but he takes an oath with her and works against his army. When Perrin tries to end the rise of the Dragon's prophet, he fortuitously saves Morgase, and it is assumed that he is working for the Queen. The paradox depicts the consequences of accidental actions that work against Perrin's objectives.

  2. 2

    How is climate change emerging as one of the main themes in the novel?

    The author was ahead of his time and made possible predictions of global warming through the actions of his fictional character called the Dark One. In the fiction, the Dark One uses his magic to influence global warming for self-gain at the expense of the entire population. He uses his power to produce strong heat waves that impact negatively on the climate and causes suffering to innocent people. In the contemporary world, the Dark One represents the actions of the developed countries in global warming. For instance, the industrialized countries are after making profits from their industries without minding the devastating effect on the environment.

  3. 3

    What is the emblematic meaning of the White Tower?

    The author figuratively uses the White Tower to symbolize power. Throughout the novel, power is concentrated in the White Tower, and all characters are fighting to gain control. For instance, Rand and Egwene are among the characters fighting to control the White Tower. Consequently, the reader feels the influence of the White Tower and appreciates its authority.

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