The White Helmets Quotes


"We have to admit that the situation in Syria is going from bad to worse. There is no solution on the horizon. The situation is sad. Syria is sad."

Abu Omar

From working with The White Helmets, Abu Omar has seen many horrors of wartime Syria. His experiences have given him a negative view of the situation in his country, and he cannot see a clear solution. He calls the situation "sad," as many lives are lost, and families have to live without their loved ones, who have died needlessly.

"It is better to do humanitarian work than to be armed. Better to rescue a soul than to take one."

Mohammed Farah

Mohammed shares how he used to be part of the armed forces for the regime. However, he decided he didn't want to work there anymore after seeing how they targetted civilians. Instead, he joined The White Helmets, where he was working towards saving lives rather than taking them. He therefore says that it's "better to rescue a soul than to take one."

"Whatever you need. We're The White Helmets."


This quote summarizes the role of The White Helmets, who are there to help civilians and rescue people trapped beneath the rubble after explosions. The volunteers are depicted as being incredibly brave and heroic, willing to do anything to save lives.

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