Three Kings


  • George Clooney as Major Archie Gates A career U.S. Army Special Forces officer close to retirement, who is disillusioned with the war.
  • Mark Wahlberg as Sergeant First Class Troy Barlow An office worker with a wife and baby daughter at home. He wears the U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations patch and identifies himself as a Civil Affairs Reservist.
  • Ice Cube as Staff Sergeant Chief Elgin An airline baggage handler from Detroit who believes he is protected by a ring of "Jesus-fire", also wears the U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations patch.
  • Spike Jonze as Private First Class Conrad Vig A jobless, semi-literate soldier from a group home in Dallas who idolizes Troy; also wears the U.S. Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations patch.
  • Christopher Lohr as French Special Forces Captain Teebaux.
  • Nora Dunn as Adriana Cruz A tough cable news correspondent who is determined to get a good story.
  • Jamie Kennedy as Specialist Walter Wogeman A bumbling soldier whom Archie uses to distract Adriana.
  • Mykelti Williamson as Colonel Ron Horn Archie's superior officer, who discovers the plan to steal the gold.
  • Cliff Curtis as Amir Abdullah A Shi'ite Iraqi rebel who has been captured by Saddam's troops. Educated in the U.S. at Bowling Green State University, he was an entrepreneur in Baghdad, running several cafes before they were destroyed by Coalition bombs.
  • Saïd Taghmaoui as Captain Saïd An Iraqi interrogator who tortures Barlow with electric shocks after he is captured.
  • Judy Greer as Cathy Daitch[4] A journalist competing with Adriana who has sex with Archie early in the film.
  • Liz Stauber as Debbie Barlow, Troy's wife
  • Holt McCallany as Captain Doug Van Meter Troy's superior officer, an obstreperous stickler for the rules.
  • Alia Shawkat as Amir's daughter.
  • Jim Gaffigan as Cuts Troy's cuff soldier

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