Warm Bodies Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Warm Bodies Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


R illuminates, “No one I know has any specific memories. Just a vague, vestigial knowledge of a world long gone. Faint impressions of past lives that linger like phantom limbs. We recognise civilisation –buildings, cars, a general overview – but we have no personal role in it.” Mortality obliterates the zombies’ reminiscences, resulting in hollow memories that cannot yield utilitarian details regarding the zombies’ pasts. Zombies cannot identify with any civilization for their acquaintance with such evolution is analogous to inconsequential gloom.

‘Mother Swan’

Perry equates Julie to a ‘mother swan’: “Julie Grigio grins at me, leading their line like a mother swan. In a city of thousands I run into her almost every day, sometimes near the schools where it seems probable, sometimes in the outermost corners of the Stadium where the odds are slim.” The allegorical ‘mother swan’ renders Julie a dominant emblem among zombies. Besides, her omnipresence in Perry’s detections magnifies the inspiration that she has on him.


Skeletons are patent relics of transience. Perry Kelvin avows, " I look into the dark window holes of ruined office buildings. I imagine the skeletons of their occupants still sitting at their desks, working towards quotas they will never meet.” Skeletons, which personify impermanence, are permeating throughout Warm Bodies. The allegorical quotas relate to the voraciousness of death; deaths’ capacity to house skeletons can never dwindle because demises are pervasive regular manifestations.

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