We Don't Know Ourselves Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

We Don't Know Ourselves Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Catholic Church

The Catholic Church symbolizes morality. The Catholic Church in Ireland is authoritative, and it works closely with political leaders to ensure people strictly follow religious teachings of morality. For instance, the church discourages the use of contraceptives by women, and it prohibits abortion. However, the author hints that women sneak to other European countries to access abortion services.


Hollywood is a symbol of pop culture in Ireland. When Ireland launches its first television, it imports most of its programs from the United States of America's Hollywood industry. The Irish people slowly start loving pop culture. Later, Ireland introduces its pop music industry, which becomes competitive globally.

T.K Whitaker

T.K Whitaker is a symbol of Irish modernism. Whitaker is a government minister in charge of Economic Development. He develops an economic blueprint for Ireland called "Grey Book," which gives a systematic approach to how Ireland can become a superpower in the future. The government adopts the report and implements it. Slowly, Ireland starts seeing economic transformation, attracting new investors from the USA, China, and other parts of the world. Similarly, the transformation discourages people from emigrating from Ireland because the future for them is bright.

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