W.H. Auden: Prose Characters

W.H. Auden: Prose Character List

W.H. Auden

Auden is the narrator of his essays. His personal views and ideas regarding a topic under discussion are presented in his works. His discursive way of handling any idea makes him so dear to the readers.


While discussing about the Globe theatre and the dramas staged there, Auden resorts to the leviathan of literature, Shakespeare. To him Shakespeare is the guiding spirit of the Elizabethan era and his ideas have relevance in Auden's time too. The Globe became famous for the contribution of the maestro.

Virginia Woolf

In one of his essays, Auden critically Analyses a novel by Virginia Woolf. To describe the narrative techniques and to analyse the work of Woolf, Auden refers to the her.


There is an implied presence of the readers in all of his essays. He directly addresses the readers and puts forth his objective. As his essays are written in this format, it makes the readers to participate in the thought process of the writer spontaneously.

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