Woman of Colour (Novel) Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why is Olivia running away from her husband, Augustus?

    Olivia is married to her cousin, Augustus. Olivia's father does not want his property to be inherited by any other person except his close family members. Olivia loves her husband, and they live happily in England. Things start to take a drastic turn when Olivia realizes that Augustus has a hidden secret that he never shared with her. Augustus has another wife whom they never divorced, but he had earlier told Olivia that he was single. After discovering this secret, Olivia decides to escape to live far away in Jamaica, where she can start a new life.

  2. 2

    Olivia lives in a patriarchal society where women are considered as men's property. Prove this statement using the novel 'Woman of Colour.’

    Olivia is married to Augustus not by choice but by force. According to Olivia's father's will, she must be married to her cousin Augustus. Olivia has no choice but to follow the laid down societal rules that require her to marry her cousin. Olivia's marriage to Augustus is symbolic to represent women's mistreatment in society. When Olivia settles down with Augustus, he convinces her that he is a single man, but on the contrary, he has another wife. Therefore, Augustus is just using Olivia for sexual satisfaction and to get access to her inheritance. When Olivia discovers the truth, she does not confront her husband but decides to escape.

  3. 3

    How does the author develop the imagery of color as it pertains to racism?

    The title of this novel appeals to the sense of sight to readers. Olivia is a mixed-ethnicity woman because she is the daughter of a white plantation owner and his slave. When Olivia moves to England to live with her husband, she is faces prejudice because of her color. For instance, Olivia says that Augustus' sister-in-law discriminates against her because of her dark skin. Besides, many people who Olivia comes across in England are racists. Therefore, the imagery of color is prevalent in the entire novel.

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