Brick Lane

Love Marriage

After a ten-year hiatus, during which Ali suffered a "loss of confidence" according to an interview in The Guardian,[10] she returned with her fifth novel, Love Marriage. Described in The Times' culture section[11] as a "literary love story", the book is set in London in 2016–2017, and tells the story of Yasmin Ghorami, a 26-year-old junior doctor, who is engaged to be married to fellow doctor, Joe Sangster. In the same article, journalist Rosie Kinchen argues that we are living in "a time when feelings are so fraught and people seem to be itching to taking offence", going on to say "This is precisely why it's a good time to have her back. Nuance is one of Ali's greatest skills; she can lay out a character's flaws, self-delusions and inconsistencies and then make you love them anyway."[12]

In a review in The Times Literary Supplement,[13] novelist Tash Aw described it as a "rich, sensitive and gloriously entertaining novel...brimming with extremely funny moments of excruciating social comedy." Writing in The Financial Times, novelist Susie Boyt called it "wildly entertaining…a bold and generous book".[14] David Sexton in the Sunday Times concurred, describing Love Marriage as:

'Enormously satisfying in its inventions and observations, and its exploration of cultural diversity in Britain. At once touching and satirical…engrossing and enjoyable'.[15]

Critical responses were overwhelmingly positive, propelling the novel into The Sunday Times' bestseller list in its first week of publication. Ali announced on her website that television rights to Love Marriage had been sold to New Pictures after a 'heated auction',[16] and that it is currently in development with the BBC.

In 2023, Love Marriage was shortlisted for the Comedy Women in Print Prize.[17]

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