

Reception for the book has been mixed, with some criticizing the book's portrayal of Mormonism as a "stern, abusive and misogynistic faith." Jeff Gottesfeld characterized the book as "literary group character assassination" of Mormonism, adding that the church is "unrelentingly bashed" in the novel.[1]

Kirkus Reviews positively reviewed the book, saying that it was "Sharp and heartbreaking."[2] BlogCritics.org questioned the portrayal of the LDS Church in the book but wrote that "While ... this is a book for adults, as well as teens, it is a great read for anyone who likes the young adult genre."[3]

In 2012, the American Library Association included the book in their list of Popular Paperbacks for Young Adults.[4]

According to the American Library Association, Burned was the 83rd-most banned and challenged book in the United States between 2010 and 2019.[5]

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