City of Glass



  • Clarissa Adele "Clary" Fray: A young Shadowhunter who discovered her heritage and special abilities at a later age. Clary is now trying to take down her father, Valentine, who wants to destroy the Shadowhunters and Downworlders.
  • Jonathan "Jace" Wayland: A Shadowhunter struggling with his identity after he discovered that his father, whom he thought was dead, is actually his enemy Valentine.
  • Alexander "Alec" Lightwood: A Shadowhunter in a homosexual relationship with the warlock Magnus Bane. Their relationship challenges traditional norms in Shadowhunter society, leading to conflict within Alec's family who struggles to accept his choices.
  • Isabelle "Izzy" Lightwood: Alec's sister who supports his relationship. She also helps Clary and Jace in the fight against Valentine.
  • Valentine Morgenstern: A Shadowhunter who aims to destroy both Shadowhunters and Downworlders with the aid of the Mortal Instruments.
  • Jocelyn Fray: Clary's mother who hid her heritage to protect her.
  • Maryse Lightwood: Alec and Isabelle's mother who leads the New York Institute with her husband.
  • Robert Lightwood: Alec and Isabelle's father who leads the New York Institute with his wife.
  • Max Lightwood: The youngest child of the Lightwood family.
  • Sebastian Verlac: A mysterious individual who meets Clary and the Lightwood family in Alicante.
  • Aline Penhallow: A friend of the Lightwoods and the cousin of Sebastian Verlac.
  • Amatis Herondale: Luke's sister who lives in isolation in Idris.
  • Inquisitor Aldertree: The new Inquisitor who is willing to lie and manipulate the truth to close a case.
  • Madeleine Bellefleur: Jocelyn's friend, who claims to be able to awaken Jocelyn from her coma.


  • Simon Lewis - Clary's best friend who was turned into a vampire.
  • Magnus Bane - The High Warlock of Brooklyn, who reluctantly agrees to assist the Conclave to save Alec.
  • Luke Garroway - Jocelyn and Clary's friend, he is a werewolf and a former Shadowhunter.
  • Maia Roberts - A member of Luke's werewolf pack in New York.
  • Raphael Santiago - The leader of the vampire clan of New York.
  • Seelie Queen - The queen of the Seelie Court and of the Fair Folk.
  • Meliorn - The queen's personal knight and confidante.


  • Raziel - The patron Angel of the Nephilim.
  • Ithuriel - An angel imprisoned by Valentine, who used his blood for his experiments.

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