Fatal Attraction


Fatal Attraction is a 1987 American romantic psychological thriller film directed by Adrian Lyne from a screenplay by James Dearden, based on his 1980 short film Diversion. It stars Michael Douglas, Glenn Close, and Anne Archer. It follows a married man's one-night stand coming back to haunt him when the scorned mistress begins to stalk him and his family.

Fatal Attraction was theatrically released in the United States on September 18, 1987, by Paramount Pictures. The film emerged as a major commercial success at the box-office, grossing over $320 million worldwide and becoming the second highest-grossing film of the year in the United States. It received widespread critical acclaim, with high praise for Lyne's direction, Dearden's screenplay, the editing, and the performances of Close, Archer, and Douglas. Fatal Attraction received six nominations at the 60th Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Considered a pop culture phenomenon since its release, the film is also noted for its influence in setting off the erotic thriller boom of the late 1980s to the mid 1990s.[3]

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