Fire and Blood

Fire and Blood Metaphors and Similes

Winter is Coming (Metaphor)

In the section depicting Jaehaerys early reign, Gyldayn writes “It was a good time, a golden autumn, a time of peace and plenty. But winter was coming.” This metaphor functions on two levels. It refers literally to the lengthy winter that is approaching and will cover Westeros. At the same time, it also suggests metaphorically that Jaehaerys will soon face hardships and struggles in the near future.

Words Are Wind (Metaphor)

During a council meeting, Jaehaerys uses figurative language to describe the danger of treasonous talk: "'Words are wind,' [Jaehaerys] told his council. 'but wind can fan a fire.'” This metaphor means that while words themselves are not an act of violence, they can incite it, in the same way that wind can stoke a flame.

Hogs in a Pen (Simile)

Describing a battle in Dorne, Gyldayn writes: "With no way forward and no way back, the stormlanders were butchered like hogs in a pen." This simile works to show the brutality with which the stormland army was killed, as well as the helplessness of their position.

Darkness (Metaphor)

The following sentence describes the grim countenance of Visenya: “Yet there was darkness in Visenya Targaryen.” The metaphorical darkness referred to here describes the sternness of Visenya's personality, while also suggesting her capacity for cruelty as well as her rumored use of dark magic.

Seeds of War (Metaphor)

In a passage describing the prelude to the Dance of the Dragons, Gyldayn states: “The seeds of war are oft planted during times of peace.” This metaphor points out that in this conflict, and many others, instigating factors often take root during a period of calm.