Firefight: The Reckoners Book Two Themes

Firefight: The Reckoners Book Two Themes


Just like the novel which preceded this one in the series, the plot brings characters together in an attempt to fight against evil enemies, but the enemies are more powerful than any one person could fight alone. They have to cooperate to win these battles, and that means understanding how to make use of each person's strengths. When Mizzy reveals his beef with Megan, that reveals another aspect of teamwork; how do they resolve conflicts without losing the battle?

Fate and survival

This is a post-apocalyptic book about a community struggling against fateful encounters with strong opponents for their right to survival and life. Their encounters with fate are evident from the supernatural strength of the Epics, who are like gods with superpowers. The characters strive to survive and to make peace with their difficult situations. David finally gets reunited with Megan just to lose her again, and then they are reunited, and then he loses her for real, as if fate were toying with him.

Magic and supernatural power

The powers of the Epics are supernatural, but they aren't the only ones with magic powers. David has supernatural insight, and Megan can summon realities from other dimensions. Together with the natural attribute of their team members, they learn new skills, and David harnesses the power of water, even after water almost killed him. He is able to win only when all the characters work together to make the maximal use of their supernatural abilities.

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