Fools Crow Imagery

Fools Crow Imagery

Eagle Rib's Dream

Eagle Rib describes his dream using imagery, saying that he saw a "small white horse wandering in the snow." He describes it as having split hooves and "sores all over." As such, this is an image of suffering and pain, emphasized by the purity and innocence of the white horse. In particular, Eagle Rib uses imagery to describe its eyes which were "white and unseeing."

The landscape

The narrator uses beautiful imagery to describe the surrounding landscape of the tribe, capturing their way of life and the wonder of the natural world: "From the fires of the camps, out on the rain-dark prairies, in the swales and washes, on the rolling hills, the rivers of great animals moved. Their backs were dark with rain and the rain gathered and trickled down their shaggy head... it was as it should be."

The White Stone

Imagery is used to describe the stone that Fools Crow dreams about and then finds next to his bed. The stone is described as being white and as being the size of a finger, which represents the purity of Fools Crow and his father's wife, which they are seeking after completing the ritual.

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