Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination Irony

Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination Irony

The paradox of meticulous prejudice

The paradox of methodical bigotry presents itself in the book because the economic policies are not inclusive, thus denying black people the opportunity of competing favorably with white people. The book discusses the famous civil activists and figures that relentlessly fought against systematic prejudice which disengaged people of color. For instance, Marxist ideologies were fought to ensure collectiveness and equal distribution of resources to all people regardless of race and originality.

The satire of black brainpower’s supremacy

The author satirically uses back activists' dreams to show the disappointment of the whites. The ability of black activists to dream of a fair American in which black people are treated with respect shows the power of black imagination. The dreams of the liberation fighters who wanted America to treat people equally regardless of race motivate current and future generations to continue fighting for equality.

The irony of activism

Favorite activities such Du Bois, Malcolm X, spent most of their lives fighting for equality. The irony is that these characters were selfless and endangered their lives for future generations. The readers agree that the current situation in America cannot be compared to the past, especially during the era of slavery when blacks were used as tools of labor by the whites. In modern America, blacks have equal chances of success despite the rare incidences of discrimination. For instance, President Obama proved that black Americans could lead America and deliver good results given equal opportunities. Consequently, the privileges and diversity of the American people were fought for by black activists who dreamed of a free America for all.

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