
Frostbite Analysis

Frostbite is the second book in the Vampire Academy series written by Michelle Mead. It has a strong fictional, fantastical story line that brings up many problems that can be backed up against real world problems today. It is a constant fight against both good and evil, both externally and internally. In Frostbite, Rose tries becoming a “Guardian” for her friend, while Lissa and Adrian slowly becomes corrupted by the Spirit.

The book follows the two friends Rose and Lissa, though they are two very different people and basic species. This difference might be a parallel between the different races we have in our world today. The species Rose and Lissa are decides their roles and rights as basic living creatures in a way that might be compared with the apartheid and other race-based separations. Rose, who is a shadow-kissed Damphir, decides to ask Strigori to turn her into a Stigori instead of Eddie, which shows her preference.

Good and evil are constantly at battle throughout the book. Lissa is portrayed as a perfect innocent girl who is slowly getting sucked in and changed because of the Spirit. Therefore, the book also discusses how people are affected by outside sources. It also deals with how people should deal with them, as Lissa is forced to figure this out on her own. Drugs, drug abuse and madness are also thoroughly discussed. Both Lissa and Adrian are slowly going insane, slipping into a world they are not sure what the consequences may be.

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