Go Down, Moses Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Is slavery one of the main themes in ‘Go Down, Moses’ by William Faulkner?

    Slavery is one of the main themes in the book, especially in the stories ‘Was’ and ‘The Fire and the Hearth.’ In ‘Was,’ Tur is a black man running away from his enslaver because of mistreatment. The plantation owner catches up with Tur and continues to subject him to slavery. Lucas does not want his true identity to be revealed in 'The Fire and Hearth' because he fears being enslaved. For instance, if anyone ever finds out that he is black enough, he will be enslaved.

  2. 2

    Who is Sam Fathers, and what is his significance in the book?

    Sam Fathers is a half-Native American hunter who is an expert in hunting. Sam is a significant character in the text because he plays a vital role in boosting Isaac’s confidence in hunting. Isaac learns hunting skills from Isaac, and he manages to kill his first animal during the hunt. Later, Sam anoints Isaac to make him a warrior hunter for the rest of his life.

  3. 3

    How is death emblematic, according to William Faulkner?

    The symbol of death is depicted in the story ‘The Old People’ to symbolize religious ecstasy. When Isaac kills the first animal in his life during hunting, Sam anoints him using the animals’ blood. Immediately after the anointing, Isaac experiences religious transcendence and encounters an elemental deer spirit. The spiritual vision experienced by Isaac during the anointing transition emblems religious elation.

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