

Holes is one of 42 books written by Louis Sachar, most of which are classified as children's literature. The novel is categorized as young adult literature but has also been labeled as realistic fiction, a tall tale, a folk tale, a fairy tale, a children's story, a postmodern novel, detective fiction, and a historical legend.[1] Holes is considered an outlier of all Sachar's published books, for its complex plot, character development, and elements of teen angst and mystery.[1] Sachar says he "never intended to write a grim story" and instead "wanted it to be fun and adventurous". According to Sachar, he wrote Holes so that it could be "understood by a ten- or eleven-year-old kid", but also prioritized writing to please himself. The narrative of Holes is generally linear but also resembles multi-spatial and multidirectional narratives, similar to features of postmodernism literature.[1] Holes was inspired by Sachar's dislike for the heat in Austin, Texas, the home state of his family.[2]

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