In the Woods


  • "Dublin Murder Squad" (DMS) employees :
    • Detective O'Kelly - Superintendent
    • Rob Ryan - Narrator, 35 years old, Education in a boarding school in England and thus carries a 'perfect BBC accent', passed out from Templemore College, rookie with some experience (two years as floater and two years in Domestic Violence), absorbed in DMS at age 31 years. Describes himself as 'tall, bony, rangy build, fairly good-looking in an off-beat way' with the appearance of 'A brilliant maverick loner who risks his neck fearlessly and always gets his man'.
    • Cassie Maddox - 33 years old, from Templemore College as well, absorbed into the DMS at a premature age of 28 years old after being stabbed while on an undercover assignment. Described as medium height, dark curls and a boyish, slim, square-shouldered build.
    • Sam O'Neill - 'stocky, cheerful, unflappable guy', influentially promoted as a member of the squad at only 27 years of age because of his politician uncle.
    • Detective Quigley - "wackiest" in the squad, often described as a "cretin", who sounded like Daffy Duck with a Donegal accent.

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