Logan (2017 Film) Quotes


"Nature made me a freak. Man made me a weapon. And God made it last too long."


Here you can see the resentment Logan feels towards himself. From the course of the X-men franchise, it has been clear that Logan does not care much for himself or what happens to him, and it is obvious that whilst he is alive, he is not truly living – merely, existing. In this quote he has summarized his perception of his entire life – being considered an outcast and then being utilized as a weapon. The fact that he uses the phrase ‘too long’ highlights his exhaustion at living this life and also foreshadows the ending when he eventually dies and finally comes to peace.

"You know, Logan... this is what life looks like. A home, people who love each other. Safe place. You should take a moment and feel it."

Charles Xavier

This quote highlights how lost Logan has really become. He has been a nomad for so long, even when he was teaching at St Xavier’s, he never truly fit in, yet now, the one time he has opportunity to really belong and have a family, he is desperate to not have it. His refusal to ‘feel it’ perhaps harbors from his negative experiences throughout his life – from being turned against his brother, to losing his old family life with his wife, to losing Jean/Phoenix and losing his students – all of these experiences have convinced him that he is not deserving of a home.

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