Lord of Chaos Themes

Lord of Chaos Themes


Drunk with power, the Dark One poisons the environment and revives Balthamel and the Forsaken Aginor. Rand al Thor and Mazrim Taim found the Black Tower which is an organization that trains male channelers. Egwene al'Vere commissions a group of rebels to retrieve a powerful relic that is capable of overpowering the Dark One's powerful grip on the climate.


At the beginning of the novel, the Dark One has been imprisoned. Gradually, his captivity is coming to an end as the contingents keeping him at bay are weakening. Rand is bonded to Alanna Mosvani against his will. Pedro Niall, the Lord Captain, captures Morgase Trakand, the former Queen of Andor. Moghedien is held captive in Salidar where he is being exploited to discovering magical powers. Rand is later kidnapped by Elaida Aes Sedai and tortured.


The Dark One uses his power to disrupt the natural order of the climate and poisons the environment. Global warming is happening at a rapid speed, and the Bowl of the Winds might be the only thing that can stop the Dark One's effect on the atmosphere. Egwene sends rebels to find the weapon and tip the war in their favor.

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