Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Characters

Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Character List

Rafael “Rafe” Khatchadorian

Rafael is the story's central character, the son of Julie. The author portrays Rafael as a stubborn 12-year-old who enjoys going against the norm. Rafael is a sixth-grade student at Hills Village Middle School (H.V.M.S.). Rafael's friend at school is Leonard because they share a lot in common, which involves destruction.

When Rafael and Leonard are bored of attending school's assembly daily, they launch an operation called R.A.F.E., which means Rules Are Not for Everyone. Rafael's new invention encourages him to go against school rules in every aspect. For instance, Rafael wakes up early and pulls the school alarm to notify students that there is no assembly. In another scenario, Rafael intentionally attends English class late to agitate his teacher. Rafael engages in disobedience in every aspect until he is expelled from school.

Leonardo the Silent

Leonard the Silent is Rafael's friend. Leonard is an inciter who encourages Rafael to disobey school rules. On the contrary, Leonard follows school rules and watches how Rafael engages in a destruction spree from a distance. Readers learn that Leonard is the principal architect of what rules Rafael should break next. In the end, Rafael is expelled from school, but Leonardo remains.

Ms. Donatello, "Dragon Lady"

Ms. Donatello is Rafael's English teacher. At first, Rafael hates Ms. Donatello because she is a no-nonsense woman. Ms. Donatello detains Rafael whenever she finds him on the wrong side of the school’s regulations. Towards the end, Rafael appreciates Ms. Donatello for her attempts to reform him.

Carl “Bear”

Carl is Jules' boyfriend, who the narrator describes as harsh, abusive, lazy and arrogant. Instead of loving Jules' kids, Carl hates and mistreats them daily. Carl also physically abuses Jules and locks her inside the house. Jules decides to divorce Carl.

Jules Khatchadorian

Jules is the mother of Rafael and Georgia. Jules is a strict mother, which contributes to Rafael's rebellious traits. Jules is a divorced woman who lives with her abusive boyfriend, Carl.

Miller, the Killer

Miller is the story's antagonist who fights with Rafael often. Miller is a bully in school, and most students fear him. One day, Miller steals Rafael's R.A.F.E. notebook and demands $1 for every page to release it. Rafael has no option but to look for the money because he cannot defeat Miller. Towards the end of the story, Rafael gains courage and fights Miller fiercely.

Jeanne Galletta

Jeanne is a friendly girl at Hills Village Middle School and gets along well with Rafael. Rafael loves Jeanne because she is secretive and does not reveal his next disobedience actions. For instance, Jeanne knows Rafael is about to destroy the school's gym facility but keeps silent.

Georgia Khatchadorian

Georgia is Rafael's younger adopted sister. Georgia is an imaginative and creative storyteller because, most of the time, she entertains her family with different stories. Rafael's mother adopted Georgia as a toddler, and she is now part of the family. The relationship between Georgia and Rafael could be smoother because they often quarrel and fight. However, Georgia and Rafael love each other because, after an argument, they reconcile and ask for forgiveness.

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