Offering to the Storm Themes

Offering to the Storm Themes

The theme of sacrifices

Offering to the Storm by Dolores Redondo is about strange murders in Navarra's capital, Pamplona. Young children die in mysterious circumstances, and no one wants to talk about the secretive evil offerings in the town. Most parents yearn to become rich by sacrificing their loved ones, especially children. The magical creature in the town that gives people wealth is Inguma. However, to be rich, an individual must give the evil creature the soul of a loved one. When Amaia starts investigating the mysterious murder of a stillborn girl, he realizes disturbing revelations on how the murders are executed. In the investigations, Amaia discovers that the father committed the murder and ran away with the body shouting strange sayings about the evil offering.

Corruption in the justice system

Corruption in the justice system is another major theme explored by Dolores Redondo in Offering to the Storm. Amaia discovers the rot in the justice system, starting from investigations, prosecutions and court proceedings. When Amaia takes her case to court for execution, she is shocked to discover that similar cases involving mysterious murders in the town are piled up. Amaia is asked for a bribe for every stage she takes to get justice for the little murdered girl. In addition, Amaia realizes that there are several irregularities in the justice system. Cases involving mysterious murders are intentionally delayed. For instance, the accused people die in the cells mysteriously, leaving their cases incomplete.

The theme of courage

Amaia and her investigators work in a dangerous environment haunted by evil spirits. The justice system is also compromised. The case Amaia works on involves investigating a dangerous evil creature that no one dares to confront. However, Amaia is courageous and dedicated to facing the risks to discover the truth. Amaia faces a threat of death in the courts because whoever undertakes the cases involving Inguma dies. However, Amaia remains resilient to the end and discovers the mysterious deaths in the town are carefully planned to satisfy the selfish ambitions of a few locals.

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