One Last Stop Literary Elements

One Last Stop Literary Elements


Romance Novel

Setting and Context

Written in the context of quixotic relationships in LGBTQ communities

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is uptight, and the mood is romantic, humorous and replete with love moments.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The central character in the novel is August.

Major Conflict

There is a conflict between August's life expectations in New York and reality.


The climax comes when August falls in love with June and realizes that they are both fond of each other.


Their first meeting in the subway foreshadows the romance between August and June.


August’s expectations while travelling to London are understated. After arriving in New York, August is shocked to learn that life is not easy.


The story alludes to romantic relationships between people of same-sex orientation.


The description of the first meeting between August and June depicts sight imagery. For instance, the author describes the dressing code, which helps readers see June's actual physical appearance.


The main paradox is that August's reverie girl is, in reality, a time vacationer from the1970s.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

Trudging is used as a metonymy for maneuvering and life struggles.



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