Poverty, by America Irony

Poverty, by America Irony


Poverty in the United States itself is ironic. In the richest country in the world, a place filled to the brim with opportunity and wealth, people in poverty (who often don't have enough to comfortably survive), exist. Despite having valuable resources in the United States (like oil, manufacturing, and other precious materials), the population of the U.S. remains impoverished because of corruption, mismanagement, and other conflict.

Working poor

The term "working poor" itself is ironic. Many people living in poverty work tirelessly in low-wage jobs or multiple part-time (or even full-time) jobs just to make ends meet. Hard work ironically doesn't guarantee a path out of poverty.


Politicians are elected and take a pledge to help the people they represent. However, through their policies, they indirectly harm many of the people they represent through their policies. Specifically, they enact policies that penalize impoverished people.


Virtually everyone in the United States pays taxes to help fund the government and for social safety nets in particular. However, despite their best intentions, taxes often actively harm the very people and institutions they were designed to help. Taxes in the United States promulgate poverty and enable rich people to remain rich while poor people struggle.

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