Slumdog Millionaire


  • Dev Patel as Jamal Malik, a boy born and raised in the poverty of Bombay/Mumbai.[13] Boyle considered hundreds of young male actors, and he found that Indian film leads were generally "strong, handsome hero-types". Boyle's daughter pointed out Dev Patel from his role in the British television ensemble drama Skins.[14][15]
    • Ayush Mahesh Khedekar as youngest Jamal
    • Tanay Chheda as middle Jamal
  • Freida Pinto as Latika, a girl from the streets who joins Jamal and Salim, then disappears; Jamal spends years hunting for her. Pinto was an Indian model who had not starred in a feature film.[14] Regarding the "one of a kind" scarf she wears, designer Suttirat Anne Larlarb says, "I wanted to bookend the journey—to tie her childhood yellow dress to her final look."[16]
    • Rubina Ali as youngest Latika
    • Tanvi Ganesh Lonkar as middle Latika
  • Madhur Mittal as Salim Malik, Jamal's elder brother
    • Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail as youngest Salim
    • Ashutosh Lobo Gajiwala as middle Salim
  • Anil Kapoor as Prem Kumar, the game show host. Boyle initially wanted Indian actor Shah Rukh Khan to play the role.[17] Khan had hosted the 2007 series of Kaun Banega Crorepati. Kapoor has also starred as a guest on the show with Amitabh Bachchan and won Rs 5,000,000.
  • Irrfan Khan as Police Inspector
  • Saurabh Shukla as Police Constable Srinivas
  • Mahesh Manjrekar as Javed Khan, the crime boss
  • Ankur Vikal as Maman, the rival crime boss and child kidnapper
  • Rajendranath Zutshi as Millionaire show producer
  • Sanchita Choudhary as Jamal's and Salim's mother
  • Mia Drake Inderbitzin as Adele, an American tourist
  • Siddhesh Patil as Arvind, blind beggar
  • Shruti Seth as Call Center Instructor
  • Arfi Lamba as Bardi
  • Anjum Sharma as one of the call center operators

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