Stuart Little



Actress Julie Harris narrated an unabridged adaptation on LP in two volumes for Pathways of Sound (POS 1036 and 1037). The complete recording was later released on audio cassette by Bantam Audio and on CD by Listening Library.


The book was very loosely adapted into a 1999 film of the same name, which combines live-action with computer animation. In the film, Stuart is adopted instead of born into the Little family. Margalo is absent, with the plot instead focusing on Stuart's search for his real parents, later revealed to have died years ago, and Snowbell's attempt to get rid of him. The 2002 sequel Stuart Little 2 features Margalo and more closely follows the plot of the book, albeit with the inclusion of an evil falcon who holds Margalo captive. A third film, Stuart Little 3: Call of the Wild was released direct-to-video in 2006. This film is entirely computer-animated, with its plot not derived from the book. None of the film adaptations include the subplot of Stuart being a one-time substitute teacher in a schoolhouse, meeting Dr. Paul Carey, or encountering a girl his size named Harriet.

All three films feature Hugh Laurie as Mr. Little, Geena Davis as Mrs. Little, and Michael J. Fox as the voice of Stuart Little.

In 2015, it was announced that a remake of Stuart Little is in the works at Sony Pictures Entertainment and Red Wagon Entertainment. The movie will remain hybrid live-action / computer animation. Douglas Wick, the producer of the original films, will produce the remake.[9]


"The World of Stuart Little", a 1966 episode of NBC's Children's Theater, narrated by Johnny Carson,[10] won a Peabody Award and was nominated for an Emmy. An animated television series, Stuart Little: The Animated Series (based on the film adaptations) was produced for HBO Family and aired for 13 episodes in 2003.

Video games

Four video games based on the film adaptations have been produced. Stuart Little: Big City Adventures, released for Microsoft Windows in 1999, is based on the 1999 film. Stuart Little: The Journey Home, which was released only for the Game Boy Color in 2001, is also based on the 1999 film. A game based on Stuart Little 2 was released for the PlayStation, Game Boy Advance and Microsoft Windows in 2002. A fourth game, entitled Stuart Little 3: Big Photo Adventure, was released exclusively for the PlayStation 2 in 2005.

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