The Grand Illusion


  • Jean Gabin as Lieutenant Maréchal, a French officer, of modest social background
  • Marcel Dalio as Lieutenant Rosenthal, a French officer, of nouveau riche Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry
  • Pierre Fresnay as Captain de Boëldieu, a French flying ace and member of the French nobility
  • Erich von Stroheim as Captain (later Major) von Rauffenstein, a German flying ace and member of the German nobility
  • Dita Parlo as Elsa, a German farmwife and war widow
  • Julien Carette as Cartier, the vaudeville performer
  • Gaston Modot as an engineer
  • Georges Péclet as an officer
  • Werner Florian as Sgt. Arthur
  • Jean Dasté as a teacher
  • Sylvain Itkine as Lieutenant Demolder
  • Jacques Becker as British officer (uncredited)[7][8][9]

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