The Greatest Salesman in the World Themes

The Greatest Salesman in the World Themes

Forming good habits

Forming good habits is the first major theme discussed in the book The Greatest Salesman in the World. Hafid is a young boy working for his mentor, a successful salesperson. The mentor discovers that despite Hafid coming from a low-income family, he is ambitious and a great boy yearning for success. Therefore, the mentor decides to teach Hafid the secrets of success, one of which is forming good habits. According to the mentor's first scroll, any person who wants to succeed as a salesperson must substitute bad habits with good ones. Hafid’s mentor emphasizes that he must start a new day with positive energy and cultivates good behavior. Consequently, Hafid practices daily to be a better person, and when he grows up, he becomes one of the most successful and richest salespeople.

Unconditional Love

The theme of unconditional love is evident throughout the book, and it is found in scroll number two, given to Hafid by his mentor. Hafid’s mentor reminds him of the significance of loving others unconditionally to succeed in life. The significance of loving others unconditionally is that they get attracted to you, which is a great strategy to excel as a salesperson. Interestingly, the love Hafid sends out into the world later comes back to him in the form of success. When Hafid becomes wealthy, he continues to show his love for others, especially the less fortunate in society. For instance, Hafid orders Erasmus to sell some of his estates and share the proceedings with the poor. By sharing, Hafid demonstrates that God has blessed him to the extent he has enough surpluses to share with others.


The main lesson in The Greatest Salesman in the World is persistence, which also doubles as a unique theme. Any person who wants to succeed in life must never give up, which is the message Hafid gets from his mentor. The biggest mistake a person makes in life is quitting and giving up. Success is meant for people who stand up after falling and continue their journey to their destination. Hafid’s mentor illustrates to Hafid that he failed severally, but he never gave up because he knew he was destined for greatness.

Consequently, one of the critical skills for a salesperson is consistency. Hence, Hafid is advised not to take "no" from potential customers for an answer. Instead, Hafid should continue calling his customers and convince them why they should buy from him.

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