The Invisible Heart Themes

The Invisible Heart Themes

The conflict between altruism and self-interest

A major, overarching theme in The Invisible Heart is the conflict between altruism and self-interest. Author Nancy Folbre argues that, as societies have progressed and women have gained more rights, it has become more difficult for people to balance their own interests and caring for others. The world and the people who live in it have changed, and Folbre argues that people need to change more to ensure a healthy economy for the people that contribute to said economy.

The problem with and reformation of key aspects of capitalist economic systems

Another major theme in Folbre's book is the reformation of major economic systems. Throughout the book, Folbre discusses quite a few issues involved with capitalistic systems, including welfare reform, school finance, and progressive taxation. Folbre argues that these aspects of capitalist economic systems ought to be reformed so that economic utility is maximized and so people - particularly the elderly and infirmed - are given the care they so desperately deserve and require.

The connection between altruism and feminism

A major theme in Folbre's book is the connection between altruism and feminism. Folbre argues that societies have historically placed quite a few restrictions on the rights and freedoms of women. As these women have gained more freedom, however, there have been a tremendous impact on the supply of people able to care for others, specifically the eldery, ill, and infirmed.

Throughout the book, Folbre argues that altruism and care for others - which women have historically been asked to do - needs to be reassigned and redefined in a way that allows for a solid level of care to continue for those that need it.

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