The Last King of Scotland (2006 Film) Summary

The Last King of Scotland (2006 Film) Summary

A young Scotsman named Nicholas Garringan leaves his country after graduation. He begins working as a doctor in Uganda, where he meets Dr. David Merrit and Sarah Merrit. The country in turmoil as a general overthrows the old order, and there are mixed feelings as to if the new president will do better than the last one.

The general, named Amin, is impressed by Nicholas when he sees his quick reflexes as he is about to check up on him. He starts up a friendship with the Scotsman, and they begin working together; Nicholas is given the important task of taking care and bettering the healthcare. They stay close as Amin begins confiding in Nicholas about his problems.

Nicholas is opposed to the violence Amin uses on his rebels but decides to sympathize with the reasoning Amin uses; it is for the greater good. He hopes that by cutting down any revolution now, there will be more peace in the future.

Garringan is attracted to and forms a relationship with one of Amin’s wives. She tells him that he needs to run away from the country before it is too late. He realizes that the violence and abuse Amin uses is a reflection on how he will lead the country. Before Garringan tries to leave, Amin notices a change in his demeanor, and makes sure ha cannot move. Garringan contacts the British Office, where he is given a bargain: if he assassinates Amin, they will help him escape.

Garringan doesn’t wish to kill him and continues working. Kay, Amin’s wife that Garringan has a relationship with, is pregnant with his son. She needs to have an abortion for her own sake, as she will be killed if Amin finds out about her. Garringan and Kay plan a day to have the abortion. Nicholas doesn’t make it on time, and Kay decides to have the abortion somewhere else, where she is caught by Amin’s men and killed. Garringan finds her corpse and is terribly sad.

Finally, he understands, he has to kill Amin. He plans to kill him while he is on the plane, by giving him poison instead of medicines for his headaches. He is caught by the guards and tortured, as they realize his plan before he can do something. He is then saved by another doctor, who tells him that he has the power to tell the world about what is happening in Uganda. The doctor is killed while Garringan boards the plane to his freedom.

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