The Legend of Auntie Po Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the main theme in ‘TheLegend of Antie Po’ by Shing Yin Khor?

    The main theme in the book is racism against the Chinese community. The reader learns that the Chinese have limited access to opportunities. Most Chinese employees work in poorly paying jobs such as logging in the Nevada camp. The Chinese workers are treated as lesser beings at work, and in case of a strike, they become the first culprits.

  2. 2

    Why are the Chinese employees sacked from the Sierra Nevada logging camp?

    The eruption of anti-Chinese sentiments in the camp leads to serious violence that leads to the boycott by the Chinese employees. The Company's white boss is not happy with the action of the employees to stay away from work. Therefore, the boss decides to sack all the Chinese employees arguing that they do not deserve work because of their assertive behavior.

  3. 3

    What is the symbolic meaning of Aunt Po?

    Mei uses Aunt Po in her imaginative stories to symbolically represent the guardian angel and supernatural power that protects the Chinese workers in the foreign land. Mei argues that Auntie Po protects the logging employees from gigantic mosquitoes and devious companies. However, the deeper meaning is that the logging crew is protected by God, who ensures their safety and wellbeing.

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