The State We're In: Maine Stories Glossary

The State We're In: Maine Stories Glossary


something wanted or needed


drugs which are used to treating allergic rhinitis and other allergies

A hysterectomy

the surgical removal of the uterus


waste that remains after something has been destroyed

A teetotaler

a nondrinker



A whack job

a person who behaves abnormally

A hysterectomy

a medical operation for removing a woman’s womb

A big whoop

a big deal, a serious matter


alcoholic anonymous

To squelch

to stop someone or something that is causing you trouble


extremely small

To zing

to move fast

To morph

to change gradually

An exodus

a situation in which a lot of people leave a place or activity at the same time

A paragon

someone who is too perfect or who is the best possible example

A kilim

a type of carpet or rug made of wool

To perambulate

to walk around a place very slowly or for pleasure

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